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Cherish Your 1, 2, 3 – Story

By September 18, 2019May 20th, 2024No Comments
hands typing on old school typewriter, "Best dad ever" to underscore message for business story of importance of his dad

Here is a touching, powerful story about a dad. It has lots of story elements and figures of speech that improve the impact. King’s (his story) Better Tomorrow Message™, “Cherish Your 1, 2, 3,” is catchy and quite memorable.

When you are preparing your conference presentation, your training class, your report, your LinkedIn profile (The Chief Storyteller® LinkedIn profile), your opening to your all-hands meeting/town hall, whatever it is, select profound experiences. Experiences meaningful to you and that will resonate with your audience immediately.

“Cherish Your 1, 2, 3”

Imagine a much shorter me. Because, this first story takes place when I was six years old. Being the only boy out of my siblings, this meant I never had to share a room growing up. Let me tell you. Having your own room is great. Being that young, some nights it can be totality terrifying.

I am about to go to sleep. The weather decides to start a thunderstorm. The next thing I hear is a loud “clap.” The thunder started yelling at me like my mother when I forget to do the dishes. Being only six, I was so scared, so terrified, so distraught. I picked up my blanket and walked for what felt like miles to my parents’ room. My mom and dad ended up letting me sleep in their room. I felt so safe.

This taught me that in scary situations, you have to find the comfortable.

This taught me that in scary situations, you have to find the comfortable.

My Second Memory

A few months later, my second memory takes place around the same age. My dad and I were spending time together cleaning out the items in a drawer because it was that spring-cleaning time of year. I remember looking up to him. He said to me, “never have too many friends. Friends can expect too much from you.” I wasn’t sure where this advice was coming from.

And I thought to myself, “that’s weird advice.” I knew it was coming from a place of love. This conversation told me to seek your “huh?” moments. Finding advice that makes you question it, that makes you think about it, can be the best advice.

My Third Memory

My third memory takes place when I was seven. I remember growing up with every Friday being my family’s version of America’s Got Talent in our living room. My sisters and I would take turns going up to a toy microphone and doing a little performance. I remember me and my sister, Queen, going up and pulling a Michael Jackson. We did the moonwalk as we sang the lyrics to “Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’.”

When we looked up, we saw a smile from ear to ear on our dads’ face. The joy I felt in this moment was un-comparable. It was like being a kid and taking that first trip to Toy ’R’ Us. This showed me the best moments are simple.

Still Wondering About My Dad

You might be asking, “Why did he decide to share those memories?” Because… those are some of the few memories I have involving my dad. You see, my dad died when I was just eight years old. He died due to gun violence. Even though it has been so long, I still wonder what my life would be like if he was still here today.

Unfortunately, I can’t make any new memories with my dad, so I hold on to the ones I do have. In turn, the big message I want you to understand is to Cherish Your 1,2,3. We are so lucky to have people that care about us. Right now, I want everyone to think about a meaningful memory about your family and keep going. Cherish that first memory. Cherish that second memory. Cherish that third memory. Don’t stop there!

Cherish that first memory. Cherish that second memory. Cherish that third memory.

Please, Right Now. I’ll Wait…

Hold those memories close to you forever. I want everyone to think that you love them. In fact, I would like everyone to take out their phone and send a quick text message to a family member — your mother, your father, your brother or sister and tell them you love them. Please, right now. I’ll wait…

This is extremely important. The sad truth is, we don’t know how much time we have on earth. You have to appreciate the memories made with those closest to you while you can. I challenge everyone to set out an entire day every week dedicated to a family member and show them you love them.



Within this story are a variety of figures of speech and story elements to improve impact, to help you be more memorable, and to inspire action in your audiences. Read our articles on these story elements and figures of speech (links below). Then analyze the stories posted on The Chief Storyteller® and other favorite sites of yours. Read and listen how others use figures of speech to strengthen their stories. Apply your new learning to strengthen your stories for narrative content, body language, and public speaking delivery.

Figures of Speech include Anadiplosis, Anaphora, Asyndeton, Epiphora, Epizeuxis, and Onomatopoeia.

Interested in (dramatically) improving your storytelling, public speaking, or communication skills? Learn more about our speaking/training and coaching.

Ira Koretsky

Ira Koretsky has built The Chief Storyteller® into one of the most recognized names in communication, especially business storytelling. He has delivered over 500 keynote presentations and workshops in nearly a dozen countries, in more than one hundred cities, across 30 plus industries. His specialties are simplifying the complex and communicating when the stakes are high. He is also an adjunct professor in public speaking and storytelling at the University of Maryland's Business School. With over 25 years of experience, he is a sought-after storytelling coach, global speaker, trainer, consultant, communication coach, and public speaking coach.