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Effective Alliteration with HBR Article on 4C’s of Leadership

By June 27, 2019May 20th, 2024No Comments
black text on yellow - alliteration with 4C's Confident, Connected, Committed, Courageous

I was on the Harvard Business Review (HBR) website reading an article on leadership. The fun and also illustrative image below first caught my eye. Then the article title grabbed my attention — “Great Leaders Are Confident, Connected, Committed, and Courageous.”

“What a great example of alliteration,” I thought to myself.

If you were on the HBR site, would you have noticed the image? Would the image alone inspire you to click on the article?

What about the title?  Would you have noticed the 4 C’s of [C]onfident, [C]onnected, [C]ommitted, and [C]ourageous? Would you have noticed it was repetition, specifically alliteration? Would the title alone inspire you to click on the article?

How about seeing the image and the title together? Would they inspire you to click on the article?

In my travels, people often do not realize what words they use when speaking. They do realize what words they use when writing. In addition, people do not realize the power of repetition and in this case, alliteration. Repetition is one of the easiest and best ways to increase the impact of what you say, write, and post online.

Did you notice the various uses of repetition in this blog post?

Directly below, you will find links to several figures of speech, most of them repetition. I strongly encourage you to include (more) these in:

  1. What you say – team meetings, public speaking, training, sales/outreach, stories (e.g., workplace, business, organization)
  2. What you write – emails, blogs, literature, brochures, case studies, past performance, and website
  3. What you post online – LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram



screen shot of HBR's article title illustrating alliteration with 4C's Confident, Connected, Committed, Courageous

Photography Source: Screen shot from Harvard Business Review’s (HBR) website, image of little girl leading the boat is from Pat LaCroix/Getty Images
Photography Source Header: © Copyright 2019, The Chief Storyteller®, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Ira Koretsky

Ira Koretsky has built The Chief Storyteller® into one of the most recognized names in communication, especially business storytelling. He has delivered over 500 keynote presentations and workshops in nearly a dozen countries, in more than one hundred cities, across 30 plus industries. His specialties are simplifying the complex and communicating when the stakes are high. He is also an adjunct professor in public speaking and storytelling at the University of Maryland's Business School. With over 25 years of experience, he is a sought-after storytelling coach, global speaker, trainer, consultant, communication coach, and public speaking coach.