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Pauciloquent – Word of the Day

By August 14, 2023January 1st, 2024No Comments
pauciloquent - word of the day, pencils shown horizontally and layered vertically from top to bottom

Pauciloquent is today’s Word of the Day. Being a communications professional, one has to know timing. Timing from your first word to your last word. How to speak briefly to speak longer. Paicolquent describes a person of few words.

Pauciloquent Adjective A term to describe someone who speaks with very few words in conversation;  Someone who is very brief with their presentation/speech; Terse paw-SIL-uh-kwent
SOURCE Earliest use found in 17th century by Thomas Blount (1618 – 1679), antiquary and lexicographer. Latin pauciloquium (speaking few words) from pauci- + -loquium (from loqui to speak)
  1. “I was trying to be friendly but he’s so pauciloquent it’s like pulling teeth.
  2. “He wasn’t known for his verbosity, more his pauciloquent nature.”
  3. “By way of a denouement, or finale, the pauciloquent sailor became surfeited withe the ebolition of tobacco, and insidiously collided the glowing embers from his calumet…”  Through War to Peace Be, Benjamin F. Mason, 1891, Chapter XVIII, The Vandal Congress
  4. “In this week of the 150th anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, we should not forget how a pauciloquent speech can continue to move us today.” Source:  Darlington County Library, Mar 2020

Information Sources:  Combination of; Dictionary of American Regional English; Merriam-Webster Dictionary; Collins English Dictionary; Oxford English Dictionary;; A Word a Day; The Etyman™; The Word Finder (J.I. Rodale)
Photography Source:  © Copyright 2023, The Chief Storyteller ®, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Pencils from Unsplash, Kelli Tungay
#chiefstoryteller #communication #wordoftheday #funwithwords

Ira Koretsky

Ira Koretsky is the CEO of The Chief Storyteller®. He helps you improve performance and employee engagement with better communication. Storytelling in all its forms is his secret sauce. He is also an adjunct professor in public speaking, storytelling, and data storytelling at the University of Maryland Robert H. Smith School of Business. With over 25 years of experience, he is a sought-after global speaker, trainer, consultant, and coach for storytelling and public speaking.