Nudiustertian is today’s Word of the Day. Have you ever tried to describe “the day before yesterday?” If yes, then nudiustertian is for you!
Nudiustertian | Noun | The word for the day before yesterday. | noo-dee-uhs-TUR-shuhn |
SOURCE | From Latin nū̆diū̆stertiānus (“taking place the day before yesterday”), from nudius tertius. Coined by Nathaniel Ward (1578–1652) in The Simple Cobler of Aggawam in America (1647). Source: Wikitionary // Its direct meaning is “today the third day.” It comes from Latin, nudestarianus, which is turn originates from the phrase nudius tertius – the day before yesterday. Breaking this down even further, the word nudius comes from nu meaning “now,” and dius for “day,” and tertius means “third.” Source: The Etyman™ // Nudiustertian is now an obsolete word. | ||
Information Sources: Combination of; Dictionary of American Regional English; Merriam-Webster Dictionary; Collins English Dictionary; Oxford English Dictionary;; A Word a Day; The Etyman™; The Word Finder (J.I. Rodale)
Photography Source: © Copyright 2023, The Chief Storyteller ®, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Pencils from Unsplash, Kelli Tungay
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