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Build a Better Workplace with Better Engagement

Your all-hands meeting should be one of the most powerful employee engagement and culture tools you have. Everyone should look forward to yours. Do your employees, and fellow executive team members look forward to your all-hands meetings?

Employee loyalty is not what it used to be. There are dozens of studies attributing employee turnover to a variety of reasons across categories such as senior management, transparency, mission, values, engagement, and more (articles and studies below). Organizations with an “I-don’t-want-to-miss” all-hands meeting, can and do affect positive change in all of these categories.

YOUR all-hands meeting must be something everyone looks forward to – employees and leaders alike


The Chief Storyteller® team helps you with planning and execution of your All-Hands Meeting as they relate to communication. We offer training, services, and coaching. Example areas include:

  1. Develop theme/key message and call-to-action for your all-hands meeting
  2. Set agenda
  3. Select speakers
  4. Work with speakers on their engagement – content, message, stories, visuals
  5. Practice with speakers on their delivery (vocal variety and body language)
  6. Master Q&A
  7. Run-of-Show for overall all-hands meeting look and feel
  8. Speaker logistics for day-of, on-site speaker coordination
  9. Collaborate with all-hands meeting A/V team
  10. After:  Provide specific recommendations to presenters on their talks


  1. Align everyone to your organizational goals, priorities, and values
  2. Improve employee engagement and strengthen organizational culture
  3. “Humanize” the leadership team
  4. Reinforce your focus on your employees
  5. Give everyone a voice (through Q&A and suggestion box responses)
  6. Foster a more collaborative environment
  7. Staff leave the all-hands meeting with clear organizational direction
  8. Promote transparency
  9. Demonstrate follow through on commitments
  10. Promote warm feelings of achievement (celebrate success)


  1. Why Employee Engagement? (These 28 Research Studies Prove the Benefits), Forbes
  2. Why People Really Quit Their Jobs, Harvard Business Review
  3. New Research Reveals the Real Reason People Switch Jobs, LinkedIn
  4. Engagement Study: Summer is a good time to win the hearts and minds of employees, Randstad
  5. Why Do Employees Leave their Jobs? New Survey Offers Answers, Forbes
  6. How to Keep Your Top Talent, Harvard Business Review (audio)
  7. The Top Reason People Leave their Jobs, CBS News
  8. Why People Quit Their Jobs, Harvard Business Review
  9. Why Do People Actually Quit Their Jobs?, Entrepreneur
  10. The 7 Reasons Why People Change Jobs, Recruiting Daily
  11. Creating a Purpose-Driven Organization, Harvard Business Review
  12. 6 Good Reasons to Quit Your Job,
  13. How to Hang On to Your High Potentials, Harvard Business Review
  14. What Employers Will Worry About in 2017, Fortune

Photography Source:  DepositPhotos
#chiefstoryteller #bettermeetings #storytelling #allhandsmeeting #townhall